Sunday, November 9, 2008

Research Day Five - Salt Lake City

The last two days for research at Salt Lake City were left free for me to choose items or help my husband if he wanted any help. However, I hadn't completed my fourth day of research and once again we managed to have our breakfast and be at the library for 8:00 a.m. The library was closing early today because of Hallowe'en so research only until 5:00 p.m. We were going to have a group dinner and discussion on our research which would be interesting to hear how others in our group had managed with their research.

I again pulled the films for the Birmingham Churches around where my grandmother had lived. I decided to spend four more hours reading through the various registers (St Martins is particularly large) looking for surnames. This was not to be a successful morning but I learned more about the people who had attended the various churches in her area. With six siblings and herself, I had lots of names to watch for but success was not to be mine. We went off for lunch at 12 noon today.

In the afternoon, I wanted to look at some of the Staffordshire and Leicester records for Protestation Returns, Wills and other Parish Records. This was a more successful venture and I photographed the parishes that interested me. I found a number of will records for my Leicester family which may be helpful and I photographed them to review later. This family is a real mystery as well. It is a very unusual name and found mostly in six parishes in Leicester prior to 1800 where I am looking for them. Not an overly researched family with the forename,surname yielding only 21 entries on WorldConnect and half of them are the same individual being researched by a family in Australia.

I had also found some interesting fiche to look at for the Staffordshire area. These fiche had been in the restricted area so required me to leave my driver's licence to review them. They were a transcription of the Parish Registers for one of my parishes there. I extracted all my names and this time I typed them all up for a permanent record. I have made very few penciled notes on this visit but have maintained a daily log of items that I photographed - recording the event also on my computer.

The 5:00 p.m. closing arrived and we headed off to the hotel. We were going to have a long walk before dinner. Our dinner was at a nearby restaurant (they featured lamb) and we had a really good group dinner and discussion on our research. I didn't contribute much other than to say that I had thus far spent all five days on the British floor but tomorrow I would be going to the International Floor. I never did make it to the Main Floor where all the family histories are other than a brief stop there just before closing on this day. The Second and Third Floors are all American and Canadian records and I did not make it to those two floors at all. With all my ancestry being English except for three Canadian born ancestors (my mother, her father and his mother), I have managed to accumulate all the records for my families in Canada. We walked back from the restaurant to the hotel - about eight blocks.

Tomorrow would be our last day and I was going to spend some time on my husband's German and French ancestors with him. He had had a most successful week with his research file and had had about 150 films/books in his excel file.

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