Saturday, November 8, 2008

Research Day Three - Salt Lake City

Again we were up early and had our breakfast but today we decided to use the exercise room at the hotel since we were very early. A twenty minute workout and we were ready for breakfast and another day of research. Today we also planned to take a slightly longer noon break and walk up to Sam Weller's book store about 1.5 kilometres away from the Library area.

Again we were at the Library for 8:00 a.m. and actually a bit earlier and there is a long line of people waiting at the Library to get their preferred microfilm reader. I think that the English Record floor is perhaps not quite as busy as some of the others but I still haven't visited any other floor yet. I must try to do that before the week is done!

I had my lists of Wiltshire films at hand and quickly found them and set myself up for a couple of hours of viewing. I had a goal this morning and that was to find the maiden name of the wife of my 3x great grandfather. This was the only 3x great grandparent that I was missing and the records for Enford did not reveal a marriage for them there. There was a marriage however that was quite interesting at Woodford and I needed to determine if this one was a possibility. I found it right away and the priest had recorded that they were of the parish. Woodford is not too far away from Enford but still I wanted to look at the parish records earlier in Woodford to see if they were actually "of the parish." I worked my way backwards checking for the two pertinent surnames of this couple and found that the wife's family name did appear fairly frequently in the register but no sign of the husband's surname although a couple of other marriages where the surname was listed from nearby parishes. I pulled these films as well to have a look as my family at Enford appear there in 1741 with no idea of where they were before. I continued to look at the parish records for the small villages around Enford and collected lists of the surnames. I also found Poor Law Records which I took pictures of to help me later with evidencing this particular event.

As I looked at the other parishes I also wanted to find the likely marriage of my 4x great grandfather at Tilshead and the priest, wonderful man, had recorded that the groom was from Enford and with his unusual forename my original thought that this was the marriage was clearly proven. I continued to collect information from this parish record as the bride had been born at Tilshead, her parents married at Tilshead and her only brother also born there as I discovered. Her mother's burial record had appeared as the family name is somewhat unusual. However these parents were not born at Tilshead but the priest had referenced the groom of their marriage as being from another parish which I will follow up at our next visit to the Family History Library. I was being somewhat strict with myself not to go beyond the 5x great grandparents in my reviewing as I wanted to look at every one of my ancestor's counties in my week available.

I had one other item to look at in Wiltshire and that was the father of one of my 2x great grandmothers (my grandfather's father's mother). I have little information for him other than his marriage in Andover where he signed the registration with such a very neat signature (I have the fiche) and then his death record where the priest writes that he was just 44 years old but no other details (my 2x great grandmother was just four years old and his last child). I had a baptism at Collingbourne Kingston which was interesting because he fortunately had a very interesting forename. However, the parish records and the Poor Law Records at a quick review were not helpful but I filmed them to look at them again later.

I just finished in time for my husband to arrive and us to go for lunch and our walk to the bookstore. Being at 4300 feet above sea level is invigorating and the air quite fresh in Salt Lake City. The sun seems very very strong there and we had absolutely beautiful weather. The walk was quite lovely and we spent about half of an hour in the bookstore.

We were back in the library by 2:30 p.m. and preparing once again to work until 9:00 p.m. closing time. I now pulled out the films for Cumberland that I wanted to look at. My family there lived at Bewcastle. They sometimes married people from Lanercost but for the most part all of their records are in the Bewcastle Parish Records. I have a copy of that transcription but wanted to see what else I might be able to find for my families there. My 3x great grandparents had the same surname and it was already determined that they were second cousins once removed. I wanted to photograph the Protestation Returns and did that for my parishes although I had already purchased a transcription from the Record Office in Cumberland but wanted to look at the original. I also wanted to look at the Court Records there but again I have a number of records for this area and was able to move on to Yorkshire.

Now here, I am rather lucky. My fourth cousin has written up this family line and did an excellent job. What I wanted to prove was that my 3x great grandfather who had been baptized at Holme-on-the-Wolds was the son of the couple who had married at Cherry Burton. Interestingly this family lived at Etton and the review of the burial registers for Cherry Burton revealed that this family always buried at Cherry Burton including the eldest brother of my 2x great grandfather. As I searched back through the Cherry Burton registers I gathered all the entries for this family and there is only one family there by that surname and so they all appear to be related. I copied the Poor Law Records as well for these parishes. I shall see if the evidence is clear enough to determine that indeed the family at Etton is preceded by the family at Cherry Burton. Along with that I wanted to look at the records for my 2x great grandmother (wife of the individual baptized at Holme-on-the-Wolds). Their marriage had been at Lund and the register recorded the bride as of Lund. This was a lucky review of the records as I found her parents marriage also at Lund where the priest recorded the groom as being born at Kilnwick and the bride at Great Driffield. I permitted myself the luxury of looking at these two sets of records and was rewarded magnificently. I shall pursue these registers further back another time but needless to say my family tree expanded quickly in that short review of the records.

Certainly my Wednesday had been quite successful as I had managed to more or less catch up to my schedule.

Closing time came and we again opted to have dinner at the hotel with just soup and sandwich. We downloaded our images and backed them up on a spare portable drive that we brought with us. Everything prepared for tomorrow as we made our paper lists of films to pull first thing on our arrival. We were at the midway point in our research week. Tomorrow I would look at my biggest puzzle - my mother's mother's family line.

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