Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Results of Research at Salt Lake City - 12 Nov 2008

I finished off the Land Tax Assessments for Devon - I appear to have only copied Bishops Nympton and Twitchen so will add to my list for next time - Lapford, Merton, Molland and Rose Ash. I do have those four for just 1798. It has been a very worthwhile exercise especially for Bishops Nympton and determining the relationship between the Pincombe families there.

I continue transcribing the Protestation Returns which will be a slow process. I am now up to 2500 names in my excel file. I photographed the Returns for a number of counties but I am most familiar with the names in Devon so felt that I would start there as it is all old English text. Although I find it not too difficult to read, the extra practice before going at less familiar counties will be most worthwhile.

Looking at the Brockhouse family in Yorkshire, I have discovered that they were at Rugeley prior to 1700 and it is possible that one generation of the family that I am looking at was simply away from Rugeley for about twenty years as my line is found there again marrying in 1748 and their eight children are all baptized at Rugeley. Found one family of Brockhouse at One World Tree which traces back to Esther Brockhouse (younger sister to Margaret my ancestor). Interesting name and appears to be a variant of Brookhouse - I acquired another dozen of my female ancestresses' surnames in this trip to Salt Lake City which was great progress as they are sometimes the most difficult to find.

With the knowledge that I should have collected the Land Tax Assessments for Landkey, Merton, Molland and Rose Ash I have started my new Excel file for the next visit to Salt Lake City hopefully next September. I have three family lines that I set aside and did not touch on this trip because of the time needed for them would have prevented me from my overview of the information for the counties that I am interested in. These surnames were Knight in Dorset (Winterborne Valley), Lambden in Hampshire (St Mary Bourne) and Buller in London. I probably needed two more days to look at these three in depth at least.

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