Sunday, November 16, 2008

Results of Research at Salt Lake City - 16 Nov 2008

I am continuing to transcribe the information that I accumulated at Salt Lake City. I have now completed the Protestation Returns for Devon (1641-1642) and a quick sort revealed a total of 23 Pincombe/Pencombe/Pinkcombe signers with 1 Bartholomew, 1 Henry, 3 John, 2 Philip, 3 Richard, 4 Robert, 1 Roger, 4 Thomas, and 4 William. The locations include: 2 Abbotsham, 1 Alwington, 1 Great Torrington, 4 Bishops Nympton, 3 Chittlehampton, 3 Chulmleigh, 1 Knowstone, 3 North Molton, 2 Satterleigh, and 3 South Molton. Thus giving us a cluster of Abbotsham, Alwington and Great Torrington and a cluster of Chulmleigh, North and South Molton, Bishops Nympton, Knowstone, Satterleigh and Chittlehampton, The Tax Rolls for Devon 1544-1545 include 10 Pencombe/Pincombe/Pinkcombe listings including 1 Alice (widow of Thomas), 1 Christopher, 2 John, 1 Philip, 3 Richard, 1 Thomas and 1 William. The 1581 tax subsidy lists 9 Pincombe heads including 1 Christopher, 1 Edward, 1 Emma, 3 John, 2 Richard and 1 William. The Hearth Tax of 1664 lists only 1 William at Filleigh. The Hearth Tax of 1674 lists 1 Richard, 2 Thomas and 2 William.

With the addition of the Protestation Returns we have a fuller picture of the Pincombe famly which is known to have arrived at North Molton/South Molton in 1485 with Lord de la Zouch - perhaps they received this land because of their loyalty at the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485. Queen Elizabeth I later appointed John Pincombe, South Molton, as the Sheriff of South Molton (1598). He was the Pincombe who bore the coat of arms attributed to this family. My suspicion is that the Pincombe member who arrived in 1485 likely had two sons with him and it is these two sons from whom the Pincombe family of Devon is descended (lending credence is the distribution of family members in the Protestation Returns with two distinct groups - one centered around Barnstaple and the other around South Molton). The elder son probably settled in the South Molton area as an adult and then his descendants were found at Barnstaple/Bideford with the other son at North Molton and his descendants were found at North Molton/South Molton/East Buckland/Bishops and Kings Nymptons in the 1500s. Looking at the 1544-1545 tax subsidy the locations include: 1 Bideford, 1 East Buckland, 2 Kings Nympton, 3 North Molton, 2 South Molton and 1 Tawstock. Family lore says that the Pincombe family initially at South Molton did move to the Torrington/Roborough/Barnstaple/Bideford area in the 1500s. Our DNA study thus far includes just one person who traces back to the Bideford area and he matches an online Pincombe result at ysearch 23.5/25 who is known to be a descendant of the North Molton/Bishops Nympton family. Hopefully, this winter I will complete my conversion of the earlier data to my Legacy one name Pincombe study file.

I have now begun my transcription of the Rugeley Poor Tax Rate looking for my Welsh/Brockhouse/Lea/Linn/Wood/Diram family lines. These interesting records from 1783 also include the overseer Account book. Thus far I have entered 208 properties with likely another 700 listed. I did not realize how large Rugeley was in the 1700s. It is a mystery to me the occupation of my ancestors although I suspect the Welsh family were Innkeepers. This transcription will occupy me for another week since I collected several years worth of data.

I spent a short period of time reviewing the Parish Registers for Rugeley and need to incorporate this information into my Family Legacy file. I rather think that I will put my Lambden one name study into hibernation since I have not had time to pursue it at all. Perhaps even withdrawing my commitment will result in someone else taking it on. Doing the Siderfin and Pincombe one name family studies is likely all that I can manage at the moment.

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