Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Results of Research at Salt Lake City - 19 Nov 2008

The plans for today were to work on the Manorial Documents for Upper Clatford and area. I did transcribe a document listing all the properties that paid taxes in Upper Clatford and actually found one of my ancestor's sisters living in a cottage. This information wasn't dated but her living in a cottage places it in the 1740s to 1760s range. Since I would like to learn more about my King and Blake family in this time frame I will continue transcribing all the images (about 50) of the Manorial Documents. The writing is very ornate so will be a challenge as I get used to the handwriting. My ancestor's sister was Susannah Bever and she never married. She appeared to be living alone at the cottage as her name was the only one mentioned. I rather wondered if Dinah (her older sister) eventually lived with her as her husband died in 1753 and Dinah didn't die until 1783.

I had transcribed part of a document for an individual who was unable to read this interesting two page letter and sent that off to him. The writing is from the mid 1800s and has a strong slant with poor framing of letters so quite difficult to read. I will consider doing more but it will be a "make work" task when I am not working on my own. Although I like to do paleography, my interest is actually in older documents.

We attended the Canadian documentary film - Passchendale. It was certainly all that it was said to be and more. If World War One defined us as a nation then this film defines our film industry. It was the best war film that I ever saw actually. I can remember my great uncle telling us about the trenches as he served with the CEF in France. He was only just there when he was shot in the head with shrapnel. They were never able to get it all out and every once in a while a piece would work its way to the surface of his skin. We used to be amazed that he could live with all that metal in him.

I will continue working on the Manorial Documents. I rather think the 2500 images that I brought back are going to keep me busy for a very long time.

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