Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Results of Research at Salt Lake City - 26 Nov 2008

Returned to work on my images from Salt Lake City and transcribed ten of the Protestation Returns for Eskdale Ward in Cumberland. I approached the Cumbria Journal newsletter editor and she is interested in publishing these lists over time. I sent her the Lanercost list for her perusal. It is especially interesting because the parish records for Lanercost begin in the 1660s and this particular list of names takes you back to 1641-42. Along with the manor records it is possible to go back further in this parish. My images have been quite good and the transcription is fairly satisfactory. I continue proofreading all the documents transcribed thus far. I still have several to do including Brampton which is particularly large.

I also have spent time on FamilySearch transcribing. I am working on the 1916 Canadian census. The images are quite good but the handwriting is particularly dreadful especially with the non-English names. I am following WYSIWYG though and I will try to do at least five census pages a week. I want to get back to doing my FreeBMD transcriptions as well. This past year has played havoc with my "work."

The French Canadian ancestry proved to be most interesting and I just need to get some verification of what I found so that I know that I am on the right track. It is interesting working on ancestry where the records are all there at your fingertips on Ancestry or other websites. These families have been on this side of the Atlantic since the early to mid 1600s.

Updated my T2 haplogroup DNA study although can not get into the server to upload the new pages to my personal webpage. My husband has two perfect matches of his full genetic scan and one of them is from England and this family has remained on the other side of the Atlantic so nearly 400 years separate their two lines - mtDNA is very very slow moving and this is yet another proof of that. There is a possibility that the line in England was originally in The Netherlands in the early 1700s which would be quite interesting. My husband's maternal line is brick-walled in Newport Rhode Island in 1654. No idea yet whether the wife of Robert Carr was from England or somewhere else as he emigrated (with his brother) to the Massachusetts Bay Company in 1635. They had a falling out with the Puritan group there and moved on to Rhode Island for freedom of religion in the mid 1640s and he likely married there. The possibility of marrying someone from other than England remains quite high although she could have been English. This match may be a ballpark answer - remains to be seen. His other match the line was in New Jersey which is where his ancestress lived as an adult (all of her family - sisters included - moved on to New Jersey in the late 1600s).

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