Wednesday, December 24, 2008

1911 Census England/Scotland/Ireland/Wales

A few posts have reminded me that the 1911 Census is actually of England/Scotland/Ireland/Wales but I will only find my people on the English portion. Just to clarify that from yesterday. I continued looking at the Beta site yesterday and finding the correct marriage partner for some of my cousins' lines. I had located them on Free BMD but I was unable to sort out which partner. Still waiting for Somerset to come up to see if there are many Siderfins still living there in 1911.

Heard back from the person querying Charles Blake and sent him off a copy of my transcription of John Blake, malster at Abbots Ann,'s will from 1797. It is an interesting will and I think I will put the transcription up on my website. Most people that write to me about Blake as I mentioned earlier are looking for Charles Blake's ancestors. I am still trying to interest one of them in doing their DNA as that would be a very definitive test of closeness of relationship since I have my brother's y-DNA done.

Made Stollen last evening and Kulich today, my youngest daughter brought over a plate of goodies so probably I am finished for Christmas baking other than perhaps a pumpkin pie. Christmas dinner though is in the planning stages with a fresh grain fed turkey bought from a local producer. It will have a bread/apple stuffing in the cavity and a sausage stuffing in the neck. Then all the rest of the condiments to go with it. We will go to Church at 11:00 a.m. on Christmas day and open presents in the afternoon. The plans are to do some hot hors d'oeuvres whilst we open them. Christmas Eve dinner will be ham and just the three of us.

I did finish off paying for all my memberships - Devon, Somerset-Dorset, Hampshire, Midlands, and Cumbria Family History Societies. I also belong to the Guild of One Name Studies. I am thinking about joining Wiltshire and Yorkshire and will do that in January.

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