Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bishop Nympton Parish Register continued

Another few years of marriages completed for Bishops Nympton to 1790. My word file is now 430 pages long for this entire register. I am slowly converting it to Excel but expect that that task will take me another year. However, I can search on the word file for any queries. It will be next week before I get back to my images from Salt Lake City. Much too busy at the moment.

Submitting my mtDNA to GenBank - I completed it last year but time has slipped by and I am only just now getting it ready to submit. My results have had a profound impact on my entire thinking process with regard to evolution. My matches (coding region since changes occur more rapidly in the control region) are with individuals who currently live in Ossetia. I have two mutations in the control region that they do not have. Given that these same mutations occur in others in the grouping (in several areas in Europe) I am tempted to think that they reverted back. My subgrouping, however, lacks one mutation that is quite common to the group and I wonder if my ancestor left the refuge in Ukraina early on heading for the British Isles via the Scandinavian route since the control region mutations are found in Sweden. Interesting and fascinating as I continue to collect results for my haplogroup.

I started my submission for my Certified Genealogist (CG) to the Board of Certified Genealogists in the United States. I prepared my four generation chart and decided to start with my maternal grandfather as I have collected the most information on this line and it makes for an interesting story. I could do my own four generation chart but I still am lacking sufficient paperwork identification (other than family hearsay) between my maternal maternal great grandmother and her parents. I decided to wait on my application because I am relatively new to the field of Genealogy having just started in 2003 when I decided to take 42 courses from the National Institute for Genealogical Studies in English and Canadian Studies including Methodology. I graduated in English Studies in May 2007 and in Canadian Studies in August 2007. I felt that I needed to visit a few more repositories and do some more case studies before I could go ahead and apply for my CG.

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