Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Bishops Nympton Parish Register

Completed another three years of marriages in Bishops Nympton bringing me up to 1773. There are 33 more images on the microfiche to transcribe to 1812. Then I will have completed all the records from the earliest (mid 1500s) to 1812 for Baptisms, Marriages and Burials. I have done a word for word transcription and I am also converting that to an excel file for easy sorting and searching. I am the on line parish clerk for Bishops Nympton and use the file at least two or three times a week for individuals asking questions about the parish. For myself, I have a number of ancestors who lived in Bishops Nympton some for several hundred years and more - Pincombe, Rowcliffe, Pearse, Thomas, Manning, Snow, Charlie, Tapp, Vicary, and Blackmoore. Having an excel file would permit me to sort on these families and separate out the lines a little easier than straight reading of the text! Eventually I would like to do a one name study of the Village of Bishops Nympton beginning with the families that are found there in the 1500s and their descendants as they trace down in the village using tax rolls, oaths, freeman's lists, etc.

Getting ready for Christmas and must try and make my stollen today. Still shopping to do as well. I bought four sets of fiche that I wanted, a book on transcribing early latin from the National Archives, another couple of books on DNA and a book on Hampshire subsidies from the 1500s for people to give me for Christmas. I didn't look at them when they arrived although it was very very tempting. I shall be busy with all of that material after Christmas as well. I have also ordered another set of two parish registers from Leicestershire and have an order for Wiltshire and Hampshire ready to go after Christmas. My family used to ask me what I wanted for Christmas in the past and I could never think of anything - genealogy has certainly given me new sources for Christmas presents to myself!

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