Sunday, December 7, 2008

Results of Research at Salt Lake City - 6 Dec 2008

No new work on the images from Salt Lake City today. I decided instead to look at Abbots Ann where my Pearce family lived. Elizabeth Pearce married John Coleman 7 Oct 1771 at Abbots Ann. John was baptized 13 Feb 1737 at Upper Clatford which seems to tell a tale of declining fortune in this family. The Coleman family had been Inn Keepers at Goodworth Clatford. His grandparents Clement and Katherine (Holeridge) Coleman had continuously held a licence there from 1716 to 1726 (Clement died in 1721). His father Clement was baptized at Goodworth Clatford 25 Oct 1704 and married to Dinah Bever (marriage date unknown which is a reminder that I need to check the fiche for Goodworth Clatford and Upper Clatford for this marriage as I work my way back). Elizabeth Pearce I hadn't been able to locate so decided to spend some time looking at the fiche for Abbots Ann and discovered Elizabeth Pearce's baptism 26 Jul 1739 although very very difficult to read. Her parents were William Pearce and Elizabeth. Possibly this is the marriage between William Pearce and Elizabeth Hopgood 25 Apr 1736 at Collingbourne Kingston as I can not find a marriage in this time frame in the Abbots Ann Register. There are two earlier Pearce marriages at Abbots Ann with one for a William and the other for a Peter (1707 and 1704). It was this Peter that attracted my attention as I found his Inn license from the 1720s time period at Abbots Ann. I have started to transcribe the register for Abbots Ann but it is a very slow process as the earliest register is one of the worst that I have seen. I did feel that this was a successful find though for Elizabeth Pearce.

I added Roberts to my webpage just to increase the possibility of locating descendants of this family line. Ellen Roberts married Thomas Taylor 29 Jun 1857 at Birmingham. She was less than 16 years old (b 18 Oct 1841; bap 6 Dec 1841 St Martin Birmingham), her mother had died two years earlier and the name of one of the witnesses at the marriage was the next door neighbour of this family on the 1841 census (Sarah Hadley) whom Thomas married 27 Dec 1859. Thomas himself died in 1860 or 1861 as he isn't alive on the 1861 census (Sarah is a widow with his three sons). This is my mtDNA line with my thought that this Ellen is the mother of my Ellen Taylor (b 9 Oct 1859 at Birmingham). Ellen Roberts had three brothers: Thomas (b 2 Sep 1843; bap 6 Nov 1843 St Martin Birmingham), James (b 5 Oct 1845; bap 8 Jan 1846 St Martin Birmingham), and Joseph (b 27 Sep 1847, bap 18 Oct 1847 St Martin Birmingham). Joseph was married to Mary Maria Odams Dec quarter 1869 at Aston Warwick. They had four children: Elizabeth b 1875, William b 1878, Alfred b 1885, Nellie b 1888 all born at Birmingham. The parents of Ellen Roberts were: Thomas Roberts and Ellen Lawley married 29 Nov 1840 at St Martins Birmingham. Ellen's father was Joseph Lawley and according to the census of 1851 Ellen was born at Wellington Shropshire. The possible trek back on my mtDNA continues to be brickwalled in the Midlands.

We attended the Opera Doctor Atomic at the theatre live streamed from the Met in New York City. It was my first event out since I took ill. I debated going as I am still having some pain in my ribs where I fell down but it ended up being quite practical. We sat near the level and by the edge as I didn't want anyone to accidentally knock me down! Opera was very well done.

Christmas Tree up this evening and will finish decorating when everyone is here tomorrow.

Finished proofreading Ed's UEL newsletter that he produced for the Branch. I want to continue to decrease my external commitments and I am looking at what else I can handoff or eliminate from my responsibilities. Although I enjoy the DNA work I have decided I do not really have time to become heavily involved in course writing which is one item that I have been mulling around. I have spent a fair amount of time reading and preparing but I do not think that I want to spend the time on it.

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