Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Results of Research at Salt Lake City - 10 Dec 2008

Working on day two of my images from Salt Lake City and transcribing the particular parish register pages that I photographed for Chittlehampton. These are actually the Bishop's Transcripts and I had photographed them for the Pincombe entries but decided to transcribe the 35 images just to give me an overview in different time periods of the population of Chittlehampton as I have the baptisms, marriages and burials. I do not have any direct ancestors at Chittlehampton so this is for my one name study on the Pincombe family. The Chittlehampton Pincombe family moved there from South Molton in the 1600s but the notes that I have for the family do not agree with the parish records - more investigation needed here. The family line disappears from Chittlehampton in the 1700s. The notes from the earlier researchers were obtained from family descendants for the most part matched up (where they did) with records from the IGI. I have made some corrections to the Bishops Nympton records using the original parish records, subsidy records, protestation returns, oaths, and wills. My own line was completely incorrect with my John (2x great grandfather) being listed as a son of William instead of Robert Pincombe. But that was my uncle refusing to speak with Gavin Pinkham apparently. My family doesn't have a history of sharing genealogical information - I appear to be the first!

Continued reading Adam's Curse by Bryan Sykes. It is certainly an interesting read and I always find reading books by English authors to be so. They tend to write in if they are 100% British and that it slants their opinion; I enjoy that comment as I feel it probably applies to me as well. Although Canadian born, all of my ancestors were born in England as far back as I can research thus far except for my mother, her father and his mother - my only Canadian born ancestors. His comments on "Tara" one of the English clan mothers are also quite fascinating as my husband's mtDNA is T2b. We only have daughters; his brother only had daughters. Definitely as I work my way back through his mtDNA family line there are mostly always more girls than boys born to the carrier of T2b. I will do a book review of his book and probably all three since I have never done them before. A trilogy of Bryan Sykes books and all are an interesting read (sitting there on the fiction/non-fiction fence but with some good science in them).

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