Monday, January 5, 2009

Bishops Nympton Parish Register - 5 Jan 2009

The Banns are now transcribed up to 1767 which means I have now done the banns for John Pincombe and Mary Charlie (sp). Up until 1766 the Vicar Lemuel Griffiths kept beautiful records mentioning occupation for the groom but the priest changed at the end of 1766 and the records have less information. I would dearly have loved to see how Mary Charlie (sp) would have signed her own name on her marriage registration but the next priest opted for having the "bride" sign with her new husband's surname. Transcribing this register is fairly straightforward now as the handwriting is very similar to the present day in terms of formation of letters. The names of the villages/towns are similar to the present day with some exceptions. Nymett is still being used instead of Nympton.

We continued to watch Cranford and concluded the five issues. A really interesting series about life in England in 1842-43. Sudden death, wonderful happenings occur rapidly and on the same day on occasion. Life was so violent, so calm and so predictable in this time frame. I especially enjoyed it as all but one line of my ancestors were living in various parts of England at this time (many of them were farmers but one in particular ran a restaurant (eating place) at Birmingham). On his daughter's marriage registration he was listed as a gentleman and the series gives me a better idea of what his shop may have been like and the kind of person he may have been although we do not experience a large city in this series but do hear about Manchester which is only 12 miles away from this village.

A walk around the large block near us (2.5 kilometres) was a pleasant way to spend another 45 minutes in the afternoon. We have lots of snow still even after the thaw. The thaw simply compacts it down, forms an ice layer which takes quite a while in the spring to thaw but waters the ground well into the summer here.

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