Thursday, January 1, 2009

Charley Family and Bishops Nympton

The wills of Somerset list only two Chorley members (one at Porlock which is interesting). The question to answer perhaps is did the Chorley family of Bampton/Tiverton Hundred move north to the Barnstaple area or did they independently move from West Somerset (Porlock area) to the North Devon area? Continued reconstruction of the family in Somerset may answer that question but it is rewarding to have been able to look at the Charley family in such a thorough way as Mary Charlie at Bishops Nympton was very much of a brickwall these past five years of researching. I knew about Mary from the beginning of my research days since my mother had been able to recall her Pincombe line back to John Pincombe and Grace Manning the parents of John Pincombe who married Mary Charlie at Bishops Nympton. I added Charley to my webpage under 4x great grandparents as I also reorganized my webpage to list names under their particular generation. It has a clean look to it as the number of names was becoming lengthy.

Continued working on the Bishops Nympton register and have moved the marriages transcription to 1802 now. I continue to find interesting marriages which slows me down as I fit them into the Pincombe one name study. Eventually I would like to look at Bishops Nympton as a one place study. Having visited there in the spring of 2008, I can see that it would be a very interesting one place study. I suspect that it hasn't changed a lot in the last few hundred years other than the normal modern improvements of paved roads and amenities. The graveyard of St Mary the Virgin Parish Church was particularly surprising - all the large trees have been cut back giving it a somewhat austere look which will improve as the trees fill back in again. The graveyard itself was immaculate with all lawns neatly clipped around the stones. Finding my Robert Pincombe and Elizabeth Rowcliffe's stone was a real luxury especially given that it was behind a large fir tree and fastened to the exterior wall of the Church. Perhaps at some time it broke off and this was to ensure that it was not lost.

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