Saturday, January 10, 2009

Lambden Research

I had planned to look at the St Mary Bourne parish registers when we were at Salt Lake City but I had to leave out three different sets of research that I had scheduled in order to complete the rest of my research aims. Also, I was still ambivalent about my Lambden family having been at St Mary Bourne. There simply isn't a Nathanael Lambden there on the IGI.

Traveling in Hampshire in the spring, I realized that the distance between Thatcham or Bradfield Berkshire and Andover Hampshire was really very small and very negotiable since there are several main byways that would have been usable. I joined the Berkshire list the other day and since then I have received a couple of interesting thoughts from members of the list including the location of Lambden Farm near Bradfield. Today I checked the 1841 census for Bradfield but there isn't a Lambden family there in 1841. The IGI also shows that the Lambden family was no longer at Bradfield in the 1800s.

The interesting item is the baptism of a Nathanael (my spelling for Nathanael from Elizabeth's wedding registration which he signed (his son's name was spelled Nathaniel)) Lambden 26 Jul 1724 at Bradfield son of John Lambden and Joan Caruthue. I wonder about the name Caruthue and suspect it is perhaps a transcription error. But I am unable to purchase the original fiche for the parish registers. However, I could order the film and perhaps I will do that. John and Joan were married at Bradfield Oct 1721. Nathanael appears to be their first child and other children born to them include: Sarah baptized 17 Sep 1727, Mary baptized 22 Mar 1729, John baptized 1 Apr 1733, Benjamin baptized 20 Jun 1736, and Joseph baptized 1 Apr 1739.

Nathanael is married to Sarah by 1751 but the place and Sarah's parents are unknown. Pursuing the idea that he trained as a wheelwright in Berkshire might lead me to an answer as my grandfather thought he was a wheelwright. He remembered hearing about his great grandmother that lived to be 96 years old (she only died in 1862). Sam was born in 1875 so she was probably still being talked about especially as she was the mother of his paternal grandmother who lived right next door to Sam all of his life until she died in 1893.

Watched an issue of Cranford which I quite enjoyed and then slept about two hours this afternoon. I was very tired after having company yesterday although I enjoyed hearing about Europe as that is our next trip.

Tomorrow I shall get back to my Devon fiche to look at Landkey, Merton, Molland, and Rose Ash. I will build up an excel file from these fiche to make it easier to follow the family lines as these villages are all fairly small and, except for Molland, I have ancestors from before 1700 in the villages. I would like to fill in my family details and move on from the Pincombe family for awhile although I also want to get back to entering into my Pincombe one name study file in Legacy the original one name study that I inherited from the earlier researchers.

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