Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Landkey Parish Registers - 13 January 2009

I completed to 1616 today for the Landkey Parish Registers. A few new families but mostly the original families that were there in 1602 when the registers started.

The 1911 UK census came online today so I checked for Pincombe and Siderfin and found more of each now that Somerset and a couple of other counties are up and running. That prompted me to think about my Greatgrandmother and I have now found Edward and Maria Jane with Henry living with them. Henry leaves for Canada between 1911 and 1912 as he was in Canada about a year before my grandfather working for the Grand Trunk Railway. That prompted me to look once again to see if I could find her death registration and now I know for sure that she did live until 1911. When Edward died in 1916 his daughter Sarah Anne was the informant and he was living at Yew Cottage in Goodworth Clatford which I believe was like a Nursing Home. I think that Maria Jane was still alive then and that after he died she used to stay with each of her children for a few months. My cousin remembers that at the end of her life she lived with his grandparents quite a bit but couldn't remember when she died. I did find a Maria dying at Winchester in the first quarter of 1933 so will send away for that certificate. I shall soon have a collection at this rate and eventually I should find the right one!

That prompted me to look at my sister's photos on her family tree on Ancestry (I looked up the death registrations in Ancestry) and I noticed that one of the pictures was incorrectly labeled so I sent her off a note on that to let her know (especially as I had given her the pictures!). I shall have to be more careful how I label them. I sent her a lot of the pictures that I received from other people (still have a few more to send her) so that there would be two copies in the family.

There was a fresh snowfall today so I went out and shoveled that away as my husband was busy today for awhile. We shoveled again this evening but doing it the once reduced the load somewhat although we have a snowblower if the snow is heavy.

I watched the Senate hearing for the appointment of a new Secretary of State in the United States and Hilary Clinton gave a very interesting speech. Most often the presidents do two terms down there so that there is just a big change every eight years. It is amazing how different their democracy is from ours in some ways. There can be many kinds of democracies in actual fact.

Off for some television watching now as I am trying to wind down my "work" day by 9:00 at the very latest each day. That gives my husband and I some time to sit and chat about our days events since we both are working away on our family trees quite a bit of the day and he works upstairs and I work down that we need to get together a few times in the day to touch base and talk about our research.

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