Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Landkey Parish Registers - 14 January 2009

I completed the Landkey Parish Registers to 1618 today but only worked for a couple of hours this morning. The rest of the day was spent on non-genealogy items. The day certainly flew by and I hope to accomplish more tomorrow! Mostly the same names but a couple of new ones. The priest is starting to make note of farms that some of the individuals are located on which is helpful. Not a lot of details for the burials unless it is an infant.

Today we did a large roasted chicken dinner with dressing, cranberries and several cooked vegetables. It was fun on the coldest day of the year thus far. The warmth of the food is much appreciated. The temperature didn't go above minus 25 celsius all day and is colder this evening. We will have these temperatures at least until the end of the weekend. When we first moved to Ottawa, we always had a two week spell in mid-January of minus 25 or less in the day. Perhaps the weather of the 70s has returned now in the 00s!

I searched the 1911 UK census for my great grandparents and discovered that they were likely at Waterloo Terrace still in 1911 which is handy to know. Also Maria is still alive and Henry is living with them. All of the rest of the children are either married or living elsewhere. William and Henry are the only two not married yet. Henry married in Canada in 1913. William married in 1918 after the war.

Tomorrow I will continue with the Landkey registers and I need to bring my BIFHSGO Research Interests up to date (one entry arrived today).

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