Thursday, January 15, 2009

Landkey Parish Registers - 15 January 2009

Five more years completed and I am up to 1624 for the Landkey Parish Registers. A few new families and the variety in spelling continues. The burials suddenly started to increase in 1621, 1622 and 1623; 14 in 1621, 22 in 1622 and 25 in 1623 with there usually being six to 10 per year. I will see if they decrease again. The baptisms are fairly constant around 15 to 20 and the marriages between four and eight although none in 1621.

I was looking at the European Tours as we are seriously considering doing that this year. We are looking at tours between 15 and 30 days and will have to decide on the number of countries and the path that most suits us. I have been to Rome, Italy (spent a week there in 2001) but I haven't been to any of the other countries. My husband's ancestors emigrated from France, the Netherlands, Belgium, several German states, Italy and Denmark so it would be nice to spend some time in each of them. The England/Scotland/Wales tour by Trafalgar was absolutely excellent and is one of the reasons that I would now like to do a European tour.

I need to start my presentation for Gene-O-Rama. It is partially together but I need to update a number of my slides and I have a couple of new studies that will be interesting to present. It is on DNA and Family Studies and I have six studies now that I follow from time to time. Amazing what you can learn about a person from the DNA matches; but on the other hand you really can not link one person to another with just the DNA results but rather it gives you a matching point that lets you look at possibilities.

Tomorrow, I will continue on the Landkey Parish Registers. My intent is to continue past 1655 when John Manning was baptized and likely into the 1680s when this Manning family is now found at Bishops Nympton. I have the Registers into the early 1700s. I also want to start organizing my sewing area in the spare bedroom. I have an enormous pile of material that I bought for various projects over the last 15 years but going back to work meant that priorities saw sewing slip to a quiet tenth place and I seldom got past 6th! I bought a brand new sewing machine that does all sorts of fancy stichery and I will start learning how to use it. I meant to take the classes but I was still working so I will just have to read the book and figure it all out. I have used the machine for straight stitching and it is very neat.

We watched the first hour of the 15 episode series - History of Britain by the BBC and it was very good. We will set aside an hour each day to watch the rest over the next couple of weeks. I try to take a two hour break in the afternoon from the computer to read or watch a movie. I will now be adding a two hour break to sew. I think that five or six hours of transcription or other computer work is enough now that I am retired!

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