Friday, January 23, 2009

Landkey Parish Registers - 23 January 2009

Landkey Parish Registers completed up to 1653 and there are 715 baptisms, 278 marriages and 582 burials. The burials of infants and young children continue to dominate the register. Many of the marriages are from places nearby like Barnstaple, Bishops Tawton, and South/North Molton. It makes me very keen to see the Church at Landkey. Perhaps it was such a charming area or perhaps the priest was more accommodating for marrying although he always identifies the home parish of the people being married from the 1640s on.

I now have the marriage for Thomas Manninge and Elizabeth Upcott and it would appear that they live in the village. There are Manning and Upcott families in the village but neither of them appear to fit into any of these families so are perhaps siblings of the adult family members since the Upcott family has only just appeared and the Manning family appears and disappears!

We went to see Australia (the movie) today and it was an amazing film. One tends to forget that Australia was very much on the firing line in the second World War. The theme of the movie was quite fascinating.

Tomorrow I shall continue on with the Landkey Parish Registers as I would like to complete the four fiche for this parish which brings me up to around the mid 1700s. After that I do not have a strong interest in Landkey as my families all converged on Bishops Nympton in the mid 1600s (the ones that weren't already there). The entries are quite well spaced and have been fairly legible for the most part. I had two screens today that were very faint and on one I had to give up on four entries (all burials). That was the pity as the burials are not on the IGI and are a particular interest of mine.

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