Monday, January 26, 2009

Landkey Parish Registers - 26 January 2009

I completed to the end of 1673 of the Landkey Parish Registers and there are now 946 baptisms, 389 marriages and 795 burials. A Pyncombe marriage appeared and I rather think that this is the cousin of my ancestor that I had been looking for and perhaps helps to explain why Hugh the brother of that ancestor marries at Landkey and ends up living there. Always fascinating reading these registers and how they can help answer questions. The baptisms outnumber the burials by 151 now.

We went for a walk (about 2km) again today and it was quite cool and windy (minus 15 celsius) but a good invigorating walk.

I then worked on a DNA study with which I am involved. I have quite a bit of entry to do as we were away in the spring and then I was ill on and off from the late summer to Christmas so didn't get a lot of data entry done. I am back at that again.

Tomorrow I will again continue with the Landkey register (I am on the 3rd of 4 fiche now) and will try to do 6 or 7 years as I have been doing since I started working on the registers for Landkey. The baptisms have dropped off again and in some years there are more burials than births. At the end I will do a short study to see the numbers between 1602 and 1750 when my fiche end. As well I need to work on the DNA study.

I spent a little while thinking about knitting patterns and will also look at sewing patterns.

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