Thursday, January 29, 2009

Landkey Parish Registers - 29 January 2009

Parish Register transcription for Landkey completed to 1692 today and I was continuing to see a large number of burials although they appear to be lessening at long last. I did find my Hugh Pincombe in the register married to Sarah (but no marriage in this register) and they are baptizing children at Landkey (two so far). Finding Wilmott earlier was a surprise and she married John Bale in 1671. They appear to have had only two daughters Margarett b 1672 and Amy b 1676. Wilmott is a first cousin to Hugh Pincombe.

In terms of numbers with regard to the Parish Registers for Landkey there are now 1205 baptisms, 506 marriages and 1035 burials. As you can see, the baptisms have once again increased over the burials (fortunate for any society but most certainly for this one at that time) and outnumber them by 170. I find it intriguing that there are only 2077 baptisms more than this in the IGI up to 1837 and I have just completed 1602 to 1692 a mere 90 years. We will see the numbers when I complete all the fiche that I have (up to the mid 1750s).

We cleared the snow from the laneway this morning (another 30 centimetres came our way). Fortunately with the snowblower we can heave it up over the top of the very high snowhills that are at the front of our house. We are still clearing our patio at the front but soon we will be starting to fill in one half of it because there isn't anywhere to put the snow. The backyard is getting very very deep and we have given up on composting for a couple of months. Some years we move the bin closer but we still have to give it up for a bit as the snow just gets too deep.

We spent part of the afternoon with our daughter and took their dogs for a walk. They loved getting out and the new puppy ran and ran with either my husband or I close behind. He is a sheltie and already showing his ability to track and keep going even when the going gets rough. The chihuahua too proves himself to be most capable running along beside us and he is 12 years old (nearly 13) but he is a strong dog. The bunny stayed inside where it is warm. In the summer though he too goes out on a lead to the park and romps in the grass.

Tomorrow I will continue with the registers and I am well into the third fiche now on the third row with just three screens to complete and then the 4th and 5th rows to do. The style is changing as the priest is writing in a smaller tighter hand but giving more details often enough for location of the individuals named. I want to work on the DNA study as well to continue entering data.

The transit strike is over in Ottawa and we will see how long it takes to get the buses on the road once again. The federal government was going to legislate them back but they have managed to get together and come to an agreement. Too bad it has taken so long as it has made life quite miserable for many people. Young students have had to walk 1.5 miles to and then 1.5 miles home from school and with the cold weather here that has been quite cruel for them. The elderly have had no way to get to doctor's appointments, etc.

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