Saturday, January 31, 2009

Landkey Parish Registers - 31 January 2009

My day ran away with me today and I only completed two years of the Parish Registers of Landkey bringing me up to 1700 which is always an interesting stopping spot. There were very few baptisms in 1699. The numbers stand at baptisms 1291, marriages 550 and burials 1118. We are starting to see more baptisms once again compared to burials (173) which is a good healthy sign for this village.

We cleared snow once again and the height in the front yard continues to grow. I had said that the lower branches of the large tree in the front yard were at five feet. Actually they are closer to six feet above the ground and the snow is practically up to them now. We also cleared the patio away as the dogs were coming to visit with our daughter and son in law to be. The puppy is growing quickly and is already bigger than the older dog although the older dog is clearly the leader as the younger dog obeys him when he barks. He is training quickly and being a Sheltie he is learning very quickly. I have taught him not to jump on me and he is very good although always excited when he comes to see us but a quiet reminder and his paws stay on the ground although he comes for a welcome pat. I usually talk to him for a bit and he likes that.

Dinner was a family affair and we sat over it for quite a while so that I never did get back to transcribing. Tomorrow I might accomplish more although I have a couple of other items that I need to work on. My book report on Sykes trilogy of books is due and my husband wants me to do a write up on Salt Lake City. I am still thinking about what to write. It is really two articles. The first article would describe our preparations to go to Salt Lake City as we started to plan six months ahead (I am already planning the next as you can really not be too far ahead) and consulted a number of items (principally their catalogue) in order to have a complete excel file of what we hoped to view there. The second article would be about researching in Salt Lake City and visiting the sites there. Until you have been there it is hard to imagine how much you can cover in one week (six days of researching). Plus you can go off on tangents as a result of your research that you could not estimate in advance.

I hope to get back to my images from Salt Lake City by mid February. I have become sidetracked with the Devon Parish Registers but it is a direct result of the information that I brought back from Salt Lake City that has caused me to pursue these ideas. I collected quite a bit of material for my one name Pincombe study and in order to continue extracting information I needed to do a little sidetracking first.

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