Sunday, January 11, 2009

Landkey Parish Registers

I spent six hours working on the Landkey Devon Parish Registers. I decided to transcribe the information and the registers commence in 1602. I completed three years today and I am beginning to have a picture of the families that were at Landkey in this time period. Probably I will transcribe all of the registers that I have purchased eventually. Just reading them and extracting information doesn't give me an overall picture of my family lines that are there as I need to read them carefully line by line and I do that best when I am transcribing them.

I also uploaded some photos to my ancestry family tree. I have this as a private tree on Ancestry but have given access to my sister, my Buller cousins, my Taylor half-cousins and a cousin that both Ed and I share (he on the Kipp side and I on the Gray/Carling side). I have also uploaded a number of Ed's legacy trees as it is so easy to capture census and other images with the search engines of Ancestry assisting you. I anticipate that I will continue to subscribe to Ancestry for quite a few years simply because they offer all of the types of data that we both are using - Canadian, American, British, French, and German census, Parish Records/Town Records from many areas, Emigration records from Europe to North America, military records, and so much more.

I also published a post on the Bewcastle Blog that I have author rights on now. I have done my 3x great grandparent Routledge plus the letter that my 2x great uncle wrote from Ontario to Bewcastle in 1837. I will add several more postings including the ancestors of my 3x great grandparents and other material that I have found on the Routledge family.

We took Hogan and Jackson out for a walk this afternoon and Jackson is growing quickly. He is about twice as big as he was a month ago. Another three months and he will be almost full grown. He is starting to learn a lot of tricks now. He keeps me running when I take him for a walk. He could likely go a kilometre now.

By disciplining myself to write my blog at the end of the day, I am closing up my books for the day instead of working into the evening. I think if I spend six to eight hours per day on transcribing that is really enough and I should start to do other things like sewing, knitting and reading. I enjoy all of those things and I need to do a variety of items. I decided that last year was the end year for my business which I have run for over 25 years. I am not going to do any more work and still have a few more loose ends to tie before I am finally finished.

I have one more lecture to prepare and I rather think that I will stop doing lectures as well. There are lots of other people out there to lecture. I will send in articles to journals though and have one in the works now for Lanercost Protestation Returns. I want to write a preamble for explanation to go with the transcribed information.

Tomorrow I shall continue with the Landkey Parish Records. Probably I will do Merton next and then Rose Ash last. I will not transcribe Molland at the moment as I purchased them primarily to give me a copy of my Great grandfather William Robert Pincombe's actual baptism plus the baptisms of his siblings.

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