Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Article writing

I am behind on my articles for the next issue of my husband's journal that he edits for the Ottawa Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society. I have spent the last two days working away at that as well as catching up on some other computer work that I needed to do.

The days and weeks pass very quickly and surprisingly for a snowy Ottawa. I stayed home for 16 years proofreading and copyediting freelance when the girls were small and got used to just working away every day at home. I have settled back into that mind set!

Back to the Landkey Parish Registers Thursday or Friday. I have a number of items that I need to work on for other projects. I think as I passed the date for the marriage of Hugh Pincombe and Sarah my interest was starting to wane a little! I do want to finish though up to 1750 to see if there are any other Pincombe burials.

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