Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bishops Nympton Parish Register - 17 February 2009

I completed the baptisms for Bishops Nympton up to 1842 including the portion already done which needed a few "editing" comments as I have become much more specific with my transcribing over the last five years. The new Priest Joseph Thorne is very good at naming the farm or house where the family lived which can be really helpful.

Yesterday we went to Heritage Day at City Hall and it was very well done. I spent a little time behind the OGS table answering a few questions and had two queries about my speaking on DNA in the future at groups. I said yes but not until next year. We are really busy the rest of this year already.

My daughter took ill last evening and wasn't in time to cancel her class so went and taught - very difficult to be ill when you are on your own in another country. She is sleeping it off - probably a flu bug although she did have the flu shot. It was said though that the flu shot wasn't going to cover everything so I guess she found the "everything" that wasn't covered. Rotten luck but fortunately only one class to teach this week as it is a catch up week because of Monday holidays so fortunate that way.

This morning I am working once again on the Bishops Nympton Baptismal Register. I would like to complete the registers for baptism this week (another 3 fiche) and then the marriages 1813 to 1837 because I couldn't purchase the fiche for 1837 on. Then the burials another five fiche to complete and I will have everything transcribed. The fiche I am working on I still have more than 3 rows so a fair amount of work to do. It is fairly quick though as all forms.

Today I need to produce my one page for Gene-O-Rama lecture on DNA. Still thinking about that but will probably just do a couple of family studies in the 25 minutes and then take questions.

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