Friday, February 20, 2009

Bishops Nympton Parish Register - 20 February 2009

I completed the Baptisms for Bishops Nympton up to 1868. They continue to slowly decrease in number with a few new families moving into the area. In particular the farms are being taken over by others - Park where my Robert Pincombe farmed has seen three different owners in ten years.

I prepared the Roster for Lenten Blessings but do not have sufficient people yet. Likely people will gradually sign up for the different dates that is what happened with the Advent Blessings. I have only signed up for two and will likely do more.

I spent part of the day going through all my sewing notions and organizing them. We went out and purchased two three tier plastic drawer sets and I now have everything organized so that I can now begin to sew again. I just have to think of projects for the material that I have at hand. As well I want to sort through my knitting needles so that I can start to organize some knitting as I sit and watch movies with my husband in the day.

We had thought to go to Europe this fall but I rather think we will wait another year or so. I do not feel a strong desire to go this year after all. I have been thinking about some of the things that I would like to do around the house.

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