Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bishops Nympton Parish Register - 25 February 2009

I have now completed the baptisms up to the middle of 1949. I had expected to see a large increase during the war but that did not occur. Just following the war still small numbers but as I approach 1950 there is a small increase in the number of baptisms. There are just 27 pages left to complete in the baptisms and I may get that finished tomorrow. That is just 249 more baptisms to record to the end of 1983. Then I will work on the marriages and following that five fiche for the burials. During the war a lot of new names in the village and now four years later some of the names are still there and a lot of older names are missing. I shall have to do a search on the Commonwealth Graves Commission to see if I can draw out the people with Bishops Nympton as their birthplace and I can prepare a Memorial Page. The only danger in that is leaving someone out so I shall have to think about it a bit. Perhaps I will write the parish priest with my list and he can tell me if it is incomplete. I suspect they probably have memorial plaques in the Church. When we go back I shall make an appointment to view the Church as we missed doing that this time.

I used the elliptical exercise machine today for once around the track. I should like to work my way up to four times around the track. It would be good exercise for me. I am varying my exercise routine these days by doing aerobics, joga and then the elliptical machine. I do my shoulder exercises every day as I do not ever want to have a frozen shoulder again. I think my shoulder has probably healed but I think it is worth following the therapy lessons the rest of my days.

Tomorrow I shall continue with the baptisms and hopefully complete that fiche. Our children are coming for dinner and I want to make a pumpkin pie but that doesn't take too much time. We still have to plan dinner but probably we will use our George Foreman Lean Mean Grilling Machine. It really does an excellent job. Actually I cooked pancakes on it yesterday and they were really tasty.

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