Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bishops Nympton Parish Register - 26 February 2009

I completed the baptisms for Bishops Nympton; what a nice feeling to have that done. I considered not doing from 1920 on since I will not give out this information but ultimately I plan to send the file to the Church and to the Devon Record Office so it might as well be complete. The last thirty years there are all the sponsors to enter as well but no more Pincombes after the 1930s. I have this vague memory of knowing that the Gunn family were on the old property when I saw it so that surprised me.
My mother must have mentioned that. They continued to correspond back and forth between here and Devon well into the 1900s but the Second World War appears to have ended that correspondence. When my grandfather died in 1925 (my mother was eight years old) that ended that correspondence betwen my family.

Today we had the children and their dogs over for dinner and it was a fun meal. I took the puppy outside so that the older dog could share in the meal towards the end. I am always finished first. I made a homemade pumpkin pie which turned out very very well - melted in your mouth. /

Then tonight my daughter and I did YOGA by Skype so that we are doing it together. Skype is a marvelous tool.

I have managed 10,000 steps most days although lagged behind a little yesterday so need to make that up tomorrow as I managed to do 11,000 today. I like to keep up my 10,000 a day that I did all the time that I was working (I have worn a pedometer now for about ten years).

Tomorrow I shall work on the marriages from 1813 to 1837. I prepared an excel file of the Banns and checked them against Free BMD yesterday evening. All but four the the Banns actually resulted in Weddings but it is for a short time only - 1870s and 1880s. I will use the census and the baptisms to see if I can determine marriages that might have occurred at Bishops Nympton. Free BMd only provides the Registration District of South Molton and there are a lot of villages included in that Registration District. When the burials are done then I need to extract the tax records for Bishops Nympton and then eventually acquire the Manor Records. Still a lot to do for the Village and perhaps I will eventually do a one place study looking at all the families and tracing them down, determining their place of residence and their occupation - a major paper eventually.

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