Monday, February 23, 2009

Bishops Nympton Parish Reigster - 23 February 2009

The baptisms are now complete up to 1897 for Bishops Nympton. They continue to decline although some years there are more than others. Definitely new names in the village now and the old farms that were in the Pincombe family all have new owners including the Manning family which is interesting given that Grace Manning married John Pincombe in 1725. Almost all of the children have a middle name these days as well. The new priest uses a lot of short forms which saves on typing - he refers to the name of the abode which again is very very handy. His spelling has become less creative as he gets to know all the people in the area.

We took the dogs for a walk today and they loved leaping about in the fresh snow. The puppy especially loves a good walk. His legs are becoming stronger every day so the walk really helps him with that. The older dog manages very well also and can keep up to the younger pup quite well.

Then we were off skating on the canal and the ice was quite good. We skated for over 5 km today and the wind was brisk and cold. I am sure I will feel it tomorrow!

Tomorrow I shall continue with the baptisms and should complete the second last fiche which brings me up to 1923. Then the last fiche of baptisms to do and next I will do the marriages from 1813 to 1837. The last five fiche are the burials which I am most interested to see in this time period (1813 to the late 1900s) as I still am missing burials for some of my family members. I have read the fiche through but I always find that simply isn't good enough - if I transcribe then I find everything. Once I complete Bishops Nympton then I shall go back and do Rose Ash, Molland and Merton all in Devon. Along with a few more images to transcribe for Devon that I took at Salt Lake City, my transcription will be somewhat complete. However, I still have all the Tax CDs for Devon that I have purchased plus the Lady Day Tax and the lists produced by the Friends of the Devon Archives (and Genuki) to draw out information on my family lines. I have done some but I want to do a very [precise viewing of all of this information) so that I know what I want to look at the next time we go to Salt Lake City.

When we go back to England in 2011 then I want to spend my time visiting all the places that our ancestors lived in. I will spend some time in Dorchester Record Office because I can not buy the fiche for Dorset and in Carlisle Record Office for the same reason. I want to go to Birmingham Public Library to view their records (possibly three days there) but for the most part we will tour about England stopping in the areas that we want an indepth view. Travelling through North Devon last spring was a wonderful experience and I shall be forever grateful to my cousin and his better half for taking us. Just on that one day we saw so very very much and I shall always remember the 12 foot high hedges going back into the Bucklands (West and East).

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