Sunday, February 1, 2009

Landkey Parish Registers - 1 February 2009

Another busy day and I have completed to the end of 1703 in the Parish Registers for Landkey. There are now 1327 baptisms, 564 marriages and 1166 burials. I will continue tomorrow working on the Parish Registers but February will see me quite busy with a number of items that will slow me down likely. I have had a good run though the last couple of weeks.

We cleared away snow once again and the piles are getting higher and higher. We still have all of February and March is sometimes our heaviest snow month as the weather is milder. One wonders where we will stack it all but we still have the front patio which we have kept clear up until now. We will start stacking it there now with the snowblower.

Took the dogs for a run today and they enjoyed that. Next winter the youngest one will be able to manage the deeper snow as he will be full grown. Already he can run up and down the stairs easily (just a week ago he was still too small to go down the stairs). He is learning quickly and very obedient. We quite enjoy him.

Tomorrow I need to continue working on my presentation for the end of March. The time is certainly passing quickly. The good news is that the buses are running again in Ottawa.

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