Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Landkey Parish Registers - 11 February 2009

I completed the Parish Registers transcription for Landkey up to 1756 today with the marriages stopping at 1755 (the priest is now using the new form and I did not purchase those fiche yet). Up to 1755 there are 889 marriages recorded by the priest and interestingly there are 1141 marriages in the IGI from 1602 to 1837. That surprises me as it would appear that there are only 252 marriages from 1756 to 1837. Mind you, I have found a number of marriages that were difficult to transcribe or accidentally missed on the IGI (perhaps 30 or 40 since one entire year of 10 marriages is missing) but it would appear that there was a substantial reduction in the number of marriages from the mid 1700s to 1837. By 1756 there are 1815 baptisms and 1688 burials. There has been a steadily increasing number of burials the last ten years again but the population is aging after the enormous loss of life during the plague. The number of marriages and baptisms is steadily decreasing for this small village.

This was a washing day so have spent a few hours on that. Plus I helped take the dogs for a walk which they loved. It is a warmer day here and the snowpack has gone down a little (mostly it will turn into a solid ice layer underneath the soft fluffy stuff!

Tomorrow I need to work on my presentation and continue with the Landkey Parish Register. I only have about 15 pages left to work on so would like to finish this week. I need to decide which set to work on next. The Rose Ash parish is very tempting and will likely win out over the others. I also need to organize my next purchase of parish registers.

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