Saturday, February 14, 2009

Landkey Parish Registers - 14 February 2009

Finished the Landkey Parish Registers today and that is baptisms complete to 1766 in baptisms (total 1921), marriages to 1755 (total 889) and burials to 1763 (total 1762). Surprisingly the last few years the infant mortality has been quite a bit lower (around 10%).

I decided to work on the Banns for Bishops Nympton to complete them (I have one more fiche to do to bring me up to 1812). I have the first row done and I am working on the second row. I will try to complete the Banns by early next week and then move on to the baptisms for Bishops Nympton. I have a gap from 1813 to July 1827. Then I have all baptisms completed to October 1837. I will fill in that gap first and then work on the burials from 1812 to 1837 and after that the marriages. After 1837 I only have baptisms and burials as I could not purchase the marriage registers in Devon after Civil Registration began. However, I just glanced at the rest of the Banns and see that they appear to be complete right up to the late 1800s so may be handy for lookups. I have completed up to 1788 (188 sets of banns since 1754). There are 351 Banns registry entries (i.e. 163 to go!). I completed 75 today so about two days work to complete the Banns.

We walked up to the Drug Store (about 1 km) this morning and it was a fresh brisk walk. This was Valentine's Day and we went out for dinner at noon. Then a nice 2 km walk later in the afternoon.

I signed up for the Ottawa Race Weekend - this is my fourth year to do the 10K. My eldest daughter and I do that together. We generally start our practice in the early spring.

1 comment:

  1. I live in Landkey and have a web site about north devon including pages on each of the towns and villages in the area. I would love to hear from anyone who can give me a bit of a story to add. In particular I am keen to find stories of families who have local connections either now or in the past. The site is and direct links to me are on the site.
