Saturday, February 7, 2009

Landkey Parish Registers - 7 February 2009

I have now completed the Landkey Parish Registers up to 1721 and the priest, Rev William Beare, for the last 30 years has passed away and a new priest is in charge of the parish. His handwriting is very fine and consequently has not survived quite as well as the last priest. These next 30 years are going to be more difficult. There are now 1502 baptisms, 691 marriages and 1332 burials.

Continuing to work on my writing articles as well and need to finish those off this weekend. Then I can get back to doing some of "my" work that I want to do. I decided that 2008 would be the last year for me to run my business of publishing. It takes a lot of time to do the bookkeeping at year end and I have so many other things that I would like to do.

An interesting project was discussed on the Devon list dealing with Bradworthy and the note that 100 people emigrated from this small village and the OPC for the village (she lives in Devon) has sent out a call for the stories of these people so that she can build a file about the people who left, where they went, their descendants, etc. It is a really interesting idea. I would like to do a one place study but I am still trying to decide if I will do Upper Clatford Hampshire or Bishops Nympton Devon. My father's family was from Hampshire and my mother's family from Devon.

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