Sunday, March 22, 2009

Bishops Nympton Census - 22 March 2009

I completed the 1881 census transcription for Bishops Nympton today and started the 1891. I also assembled 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881 into one file and sorted it by surname, forename and then year. It should prove to be an interesting review of the area.

We went for another long walk (about 4.5 km) today and by next week we will likely be able to go for a bicycle ride.

Tomorrow the dogs are coming for the day so we will be busy with them although I will spend my spare time working on the 1891 census for Bishops Nympton. There is quite a decrease between 1881 and 1891 and there are only 35 reporting sheets compared to 50 in 1881 although now there are 30 maximum entries per page rather than 25. The farms are larger and fewer small farmers but more agricultural workers. A few new occupations have crept in - road workers, sanitary inspectors and more carpenters.

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