Friday, March 20, 2009

Bishops Nympton Census - continuing

I continued transcribing the 1881 Bishops Nympton Census and will hopefully finish that in another couple of days. The families are changing in this 19th century moreso than in the earlier centuries as people move about more frequently. We will soon be up to the time of cars being the mode of travel. Children are staying in school longer and especially more girls are attending school. If you think about it; it is only 130 years that girls have routinely been educated in our countries. Indeed, the world has moved on quickly as we approach the 1900s in my recordings of the census. By now my direct family line is settled in Canada and the emigrant children have their own families. However, the first cousins of these emigrant children are still in England farming. They have also had families and these cousins corresponded back and forth well into the 1900s.

I updated my GPS (TomTom) including our European maps. Although we are going to put our trip to Europe off for another year or two, we want to keep our GPS updated as I found it very handy as we traveled about in England on the bus. I should imagine it will be equally interesting in Europe. Too bad that the tourist buses do not have plugins though as we could keep it charged up as we go along!

Tomorrow I shall continue with the census and scanning books into Library Thing. Once I have 100 in there I am going to extract the file and see what I think.

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