Thursday, March 19, 2009

Bishops Nympton Census

I continued on with the 1881 British Census today but did not accomplish a great deal. Our daughter came over with the two dogs who had missed us very much. the puppy especially was so relieved to see me once again - he must have wondered where I went. I actually didn't think he would miss me so was rather surprised. It took him quite a few minutes before he was content that he had been patted and rubbed down enough. The older dog was relieved to see Ed once again as he really misses him when he doesn't see him at least every couple of days. They have a strong relationship.

Our daughter gave me a Cat keyboard for scanning in the ISBN numbers on our books so I spent a little while doing that. I also completed my last presentation that I shall ever give and it is for next week. I have decided to completely retire and take life easier. Plus I will have more time for transcriptions.

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