Monday, March 2, 2009

Bishops Nympton Parish Register - 1 March 2009

I am continuing to work on the burials for Bishops Nympton and have now completed up to the middle of 1895. There was an interesting memorandum which listed all of the legacies given to the Church over a two hundred year period. I need to proofread the memorandum on the Church and Churchyard as I have one request for a copy of that.

I hope to complete the burials, as I am on the second last fiche now, by this evening. I can then turn my attention with regard to Bishops Nympton to extracting the census from 1851 (1841 is complete) to 1911 and proofreading of the parish register. At the same time I am creating an excel file that I can readily sort to look at the different families that lived there over the five hundred years.

My next extraction task will be the parish registers of Rose Ash which I have from the earliest registers up to the middle 1700s. I will be looking for my Vicary family there along with the Bray family that married into the Vicary family.

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