Sunday, March 29, 2009

Cold Virus continues

I am feeling somewhat better and really glad that Bryan took over my lecture yesterday. If I had tried to talk even for just 30 minutes I would be quite ill today as I still have the chills of the virus in the evening.

I did however manage to complete the 1891 census for Bishops Nympton and started the 1901 census. I am about half way through the first enumeration district. By 1901 there are less than 1000 people living at Bishops Nympton and the population continues to fall until the 1970s when it starts to increase again although not yet over 1000. Bishops Nympton is a very pleasant village situated just south of the main highway. You can approach it from the west coming along an older road from South Molton or stay on the main road and come in off the highway. We came in the back way (along West Street), drove to the Church and spent about half of an hour in the graveyard and then proceeded through the village and turned back towards the highway. The streets are fairly narrow but very little traffic. The Churchyard was immaculate and the Church very neat and tidy looking. Finding my 3x great grandparents gravestone attached to the exterior wall of the Church was absolutely wonderful. Robert Pincombe died so young compared to his three other brothers (only 52 years old) and all of his brothers lived well into their 70s and 80s. I have no idea why he died. The will was "written" in haste it sounds like so he was either struck down suddenly or a gradual illness that suddenly caused his demise. He left behind his youngest son who was only eight years old when he died.

I extracted more of the 1911 Bishops Nympton census by searching on common first names at Bishops Nympton and I am now half way. I will continue to extract names as I tanscribe the 1901 census. I expect I will miss some as there are quite a few agricultural labourers and domestic servants listed in the 1891 census with different names from the usual village names. I am sorting the families where I can in reference to the 1901 census to make the 1911 results more useful. Eventually I hope to write about the families at Bishops Nympton although I will not know any real stories but just where they lived, their children and such things.

Tomorrow I will continue with the census and reread the information for our telephone conference on Friday for the APG committee that I am serving on. It is quite interesting and I shall see if I can be helpful with this group. Hopefully my voice will have recovered although I have a tendency not to say very much when I am in a first meeting. I like to listen to what people have to say before I jump in with comments. That is my only commitment. I have stepped away from anything else that has a time frame. I do have a lot of items to work on but it is my own time frame which is the way that I need things to be now.

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