Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cold Virus continuing - evening 31 March 2009

This was an exceptionally strong cold virus but I continue to improve. Today we looked after the dogs again which kept us busy most of the afternoon. They were inside mostly because it is just too wet and muddy in the garden. We took them for a long walk (good for my cough I suspect) and then they snoozed for about an hour.

I did manage to complete Bishops Nympton census for 1901 and pull out what I could of the 1911. I am still missing 400 people but now that I have them all together in one file (I called it story-line as it will be part of the basis of my family story lines for Bishops Nympton)I can have another look at the 1911 census as I work my way through each family. The Pincombe family disappeared after the 1870s and then returned in the 1930s. The Pincombe family that returned are not closely related to me. My excel file has nearly 8500 entries from 1841 to 1911 so will provide a good deal of information for the study. Plus I have the extracted land records from 1780 to the mid 1830s to go with this information and also the freeholder books which I helped to transcribe and they take me back to the early 1700s. Along with the Parish Registers and if I can find the Poor Law information (I think it may have been destroyed), I should have lots of information for my story. There is also Eric Tull's book on BishopsNympton which is quite interesting and I will quote from it as I look at the families in real time. I also have the tax records which span the time from the early 1500s to the late 1600s and also the Protestation Returns of 1641-42 and the St Pauls Brief of 1678 which I transcribed for Genuki.

I now need to move on to other projects but keep this one moving on the back burner. I expect I will do my writing up next winter.

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