Friday, April 24, 2009

Andover Parish Registers - 4

I completed to September 1605 today which is 893 baptisms at Andover. There is a new priest and he is noting (at least at the beginning) the village/town that the family lives in. This could be very very handy and we will see if the notations continue. There are three distinct Blake lines at Andover now - Richard, Robert and John. John is from Penton Mewsey, Richard is my ancestor and Robert is the unknown. Is he the brother of Richard's wife? It certainly would be interesting to know that piece of information!

I also entered another 50 books into Library Thingy. I need to register before I enter anymore. But I think it will be a very handy system for the books. I was entering them into Reference Manager but it was a slower progress than using the wand and scanning the ISBN when it is available or just typing it in.

I have a number of other items that I am working on but they are mostly small and I do them when my eyes tire of reading the microfiche. The new priest decided to have two columns on his first page and it is the tiniest writing that I think I have ever seen. He has gone back to just one column to a page with the next page.

We went for 14 kilometres on our bikes today. We want to build up to 30 kilometres through the summer. It is good exercise and lets us go right into downtown Ottawa and use the bike paths there. A very pleasant all day ride with a picnic in the park.

I am still trekking across Canada on the virtual trail and I am getting closer and closer to the Alberta/British Columbia border. I have been at it for ten months now. I never would have expected that it would take so long but the trail is quite windy (and probably uphill through the mountains)!

Tomorrow I will continue on the Registers and I also want to start my Blake chart of the new records that I received from another researcher. It is the only way that I can visualize the family lines that are noted in wills.

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