Saturday, April 11, 2009

Results of Research at Salt Lake City - 10 April 2008

I completed the census to the end of 1871 and started 1881 for Turnworth. I am wondering who Anna Arnold, schoolmistress in 1871, is. She is from Stickland so is perhaps related to Hannah's family. The 1881 census is part of the Blandford and not listed separately. The Okedon family was enormous on the 1861 and 1871 census pushing the population of Turnworth up to 150 people from its usual 120 or so.

It was a busy day and I worked on a couple of other projects. We went to a concert at Church last night. It was my first time back at Church for nearly a year. The concert was very well attended which is good to see. We will go to a service Saturday night - not the Great Vigil of Easter but rather a Labyrinth service. It sounds interesting and perhaps very indicative of where I am at - pondering my Church and how it will survive in the 21st century. That in essence is what we must do - all of us - find a way for the work of Jesus Christ to continue to be relevant and to keep the Church as a strong part of society in the years to come.

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