Monday, April 13, 2009

Results of Research at Salt Lake City - 13 April 2008

I completed the story for my husband to use in the next issue of the Branch Journal on researching at Salt Lake City. We wanted to express the necessity of being prepared before going to do research there. The need to follow your plans when you do start researching as there is just so much material there to look at that you can easily become distracted. Having goals in mind helps to keep you focused and, I think, yields you better results for the overall time spent there.

I then continued with the Poor Law Records for Turnworth working on 1751 for the Poor Law Rate. The remainder of the records are "snapshots" that refer to my ancestors. My 3x great grandmother Ellen Knight was paid for cleaning the Church and her brother in law (and first cousin) was paid as Parish Clerk. The Knight family at Turnworth was involved with care of the Church from the mid 1820s to the early 1900s. When we visited Turnworth the lady across from the Church was most kind to us and we saw inside the Church and the font where my 2x great grandfather was baptized. The key to the Church I held in my hand and it was a memory maker as I am sure that 150 years ago my Samuel probably held that same key in his hands and nearly 200 years ago my 3x great grandparents Ellis and Ellen Knight also held likely that same key in their hands. It gives one a warm fuzzy feeling to experience the continuum of time through such objects that exist before we are born and are still there after we die. My Knight family before 1820 lived at Spetisbury where Ellen was born and baptized. Their first six children were all born and baptized at Spetisbury and the last seven were all born and baptized at Turnworth. Why they moved from Spetisbury to Turnworth is a mystery which I had hoped to solve with records. It eludes me at the moment but perhaps in the future.

I also continued drawing out people on the 1911 Census at Turnworth and I am now missing only 18 of the 128 people which is really great. I will have to wait until Ancestry has them online or I am thinking of subscribing to FindMyPast once they have it available. I have a number of items to look up on FindMyPast which would make a membership quite practical. Because Ancestry offers American, Canadian and British records it is most practical for me to have a membership with them for both my husband and I since he has so much American and Canadian ancestry plus they are getting records for French, Dutch and German which date back into his earlier time periods. But FindMyPast will likely have far more English records. So eventually I can see that I will want a subscription with them as well.

Tomorrow I will continue with the Family Library images completing the Turnworth and then moving on to Winterborne Stickland (I do not have a lot of images for this village). I will transcribe the graveyard records for Selworthy Somerset and then move on to records for Wiltshire which I acquired at the Family History Library. But tomorrow I will likely only complete to the end of the graveyard records for Selworthy. Plus I need to get my hair cut!

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