Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Results of Research at Salt Lake City - 14 April 2009

As my husband's ancestors came from Beaminster Dorset, I decided to transcribe the Protestation Returns for Beaminster today. I did a quick run through and surprisingly there were 421 names. I need to proofread the names before I send it off to be published on the Beaminster webpage for the OPC Dorset site. There were 6 Nyle (Niles) and 3 Paviot names (my husband's ancestors were John Nile and Johane Paviot). They married in 1606 at Beaminster Dorset. They had both died by 1614 and John must have been taken in by other family members. He was apprenticed as a weaver and emigrated to the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1634 departing from Weymouth. We visited the likely site for the departure when we were in England last year. My cousin took us on a drive down to Weymouth which was really great.

I also transcribed the apprenticeship list for Selworthy Somerset. The Siderfin, Kent, Beague, Clarke families all took on apprentices. The list does not show the particular trade that they apprenticed in. The Robert mentioned is likely my Robert although I am still determining if Robert Siderfin (mine) is the son of Augustine Siderfin or Robert Siderfin his brother. It is quite a mystery but the wills are starting to look like it was the Augustine Siderfin family as Grace Siderfin (mother of my Elizabeth Siderfin) died at Knowle where this branch of the Siderfin family is most often found. Interestingly the property Elizabeth and her husband John Rew farmed at Bratton was a gift of Mary Escott in her will. In between all of these wills I think that I will eventually be able to show the correct line of descent. What I really need to show is that the Robert (brother to Augustine) never married. There is one death of a Robert Siderfin in all the deaths of the Siderfin family that I can not link and perhaps this is that brother. I continue digging through all the records as I am sure there is a clue there somewhere that will help to solve the mystery. I have the parish registers, poor law records, apprenticeship, wills and a host of other records and I am thinking once I have transcribed the cemetery records at Selworthy perhaps I should dedicate a day or two to really examine in detail all the records once again. Part of the reason that I accepted James Hooper Saunders genealogical tree for the family was that his grandfather Siderfin would have been second cousin to my 3x great grandmother if she descended from the Augustine line. It just seems strange that he wouldn't have known the correct line. However, he great up at South Molton and by then the children of John Rew and Elizabeth Siderfin were all in Somerset or, as in my case, in Canada. Even if I know my second cousins very well and how they fit in, I do not have any first cousins so put special emphasis on the second. I have decided to step back from James necessarily knowing the family that well. He had many many first cousins and second cousins and the children that he would relate to for this line would be his fourth cousins. It is time to relook at all the evidence.

Tomorrow I will transcribe the cemetery at Selworthy and then spend some time on the Siderfin family. I also need to get my hair cut.

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