Sunday, April 19, 2009

Results of Research at Salt Lake City - 18 April 2008

I continued working on my Blake ancestors inspired by a new cousin (about 14th) who is also descended from the Andover Blake line. We are conversing back and forth but eventually I expect our emails will become full of transcriptions. Right now we need to see where we are yet. I do not agree with the line back (I have two less generations) but we will see how all the data falls together.

I also finished transcribing an indenture that is quite interesting between Nicholas Blake and William Blake Clerk at Andover. It is land that was originally leased to William Blake Clerk and it now passes to Nicholas Blake as a freehold. It is a piece of property that was held by the Blake family for a very long period of time as a leasehold. It will be interesting to see what happened to this particular piece. This Nicholas is I think a cousin to William but need to determine that as well.

We went to the Opera today (Madama Butterfly) so that cut down considerably on my transcribing time. It was an excellent opera. We then had a 4 mile walk and dinner. I did a little work and then we watched a movie. The day went very quickly.

Tomorrow I shall continue working on Andover and the Blake family.

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