Thursday, April 16, 2009

Results of Research at Salt Lake City - 16 April 2009

I spent the day working on my Blake family reading over the material from another Blake researcher. She has done an enormous amount of work looking at the families related to the Blake family at Andover in the 1400s and 1500s. I decided, on the basis of material that I had purchased and downloaded that I would simply stick to my direct line back to Nicholas. However we do not agree on the generations between Nicholas and Richard. I have just one generation so I need to review all of her material in order to extract the evidence pointing to the correct historical ancestry.

I also started to extract the Poor Law Records for Andover. I have three sets of records of data about 30 years apart. There are several Blake records that will be interesting.

Tomorrow I will continue transcribing the Andover Poor Law Records and I want to construct a hand drawn tree of the information and get a visual picture of all the data. The Visitation for the Blake family of Hampshire is one of the key tools that I used to construct the family from Nicholas to William to Richard so we will see how that fits in.

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