Monday, May 18, 2009

Andover Parish Registers - 12

Finally back to the Andover Parish Registers and I completed to January 1632 today which is a total of 2412 baptisms in the database. There are four pages left to complete the baptisms (to 1634) and then the marriages follow and after that the burials.

Spent a little of the day with the "grand" dogs and they are always happy to see us. We enjoy them as well.

I also want to work on transcribing the Foxcott documents that I have as well as ordering some more wills from the Hampshire Record Office. There are a couple that may prove to be very interesting in the Blake Story. Having more or less set aside the Blake family a couple of years ago I am rather enjoying looking at them in a new light. Although I have taken 42 courses in genealogy it really isn't until you are out there digging at the information that you really come to understand all the theory that you learn. It allows me to jump from record series to record series as I tease out the available data on my ancestors.

Tomorrow back to baptisms and the Foxcott documents.

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