Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Andover Parish Registers - 18

I continued with the Andover Parish Registers working on the burial register of the 1st Register. I reached July 1590 with 145 burials now in my database. I found the burial of my 11x great grandmother Elizabeth Blake. I would love to know her maiden name and perhaps one day I will find that. However with her birth likely 1515 to 1520 that will be difficult I expect.

We found All Creatures Great and Small Season II and watched two of the issues. There are six tapes with three issues so a total of 18 issues in a season. There are seven seasons in total.

A quick trip to buy a camera strap and a tiny tripod which is a surprise for me for Christmas - I know that I will enjoy having it.

Tomorrow I will continue with the Andover Parish Registers working on the burials. This will likely be as many entries as the baptisms - possibly well over 2500 up to 1633 so a fairly long task to complete. The next register should be very very interesting although I want to have this register as well.

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