Saturday, May 30, 2009

Andover Parish Registers - 20

The Andover Parish Registers continued to be my subject of interest and I completed up to the end of 1603. Really hard reading and the last six months an enormous number of deaths from a "pest" which was written in the margin. There are 726 burials in the database now.

I have another four of five pages of really tiny writing to read and then I am into very nice writing for a few pages which will be very helpful.

We took the dogs for a walk today in the rain but they really enjoyed it and then we towelled them down.

I spent a little time proofreading my DNA data and have 100 done - another 170 to do. The data continues to look more and more interesting.

The last video has come in "All Creatures Great and Small" and we will pick it up tomorrow.

Tomorrow I will continue working on the Andover Parish Registers and proofreading my DNA data.

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