Sunday, May 31, 2009

Andover Parish Registers - 22

I continued working on the Andover Parish Registers and finished up to 1619 with a total of 1362 entries in my burial database. This is the good part with a lovely script hand although the letters are 1600s style. A number of Blake entries that I missed when I read through the fiche - I really need to transcribe them to get everything out of them. It is so easy to miss a name when you are just quickly reading on a fiche reader.

I also managed to do 30 sets of data in my proofreading as I would like to complete this task by next weekend. I need to do a little work on it after that and then we can start doing our analysis.

We had a bike ride this morning (14.2 kilometres) and it was a stiff cold wind blowing which resulted in tiny hail by afternoon. Fortunately it wasn't heavy enough to do any damage to our new plants.

I made our favourite Macaroni casserole for dinner - it takes about 20 minutes to prepare and then cooks in the oven for 25 minutes. It used 400 ml of cheese (mixture of old and medium) and some Romano just to give it a nippy taste. I make a white sauce with lots of onions (I love onions!).

Tomorrow we have a meeting to look at the summer genealogy camp and I shall continue on the parish registers and proofreading.

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