Friday, May 1, 2009

Andover Parish Registers - 9

Today, I completed the first fiche of the first register and started on the second fiche which is really a surprise as the bottom row turned out to be very difficult and badly eaten. I am now up to 1998 baptisms as of November 1626. A couple of answers to queries in this last set of transcriptions as I found that the Nicholas Blake baptized at Andover is the son of William Blake at Eastontown. Other Blake baptisms are equally interesting in this time period as it turns out.

I also joined Library Thingy as a lifetime member. I can now continue entering my books into the database as I had reached 190 and at 200 you have to join. I am really pleased with this program as it will give me a *.csv file that I can bring into Excel or Access and prepare distinct files by subject matter having all the pertinent bibliographic information already entered.

Our car is finally back and it has been a pricey spring - $1500 in the US to fix the car and another $800 when we returned and now $1500. We were going to buy a new one but we haven't decided what to buy yet. Perhaps this one will run another year now! Then we can decide. We usually buy Dodge.

Tomorrow I shall continue working on the Andover Parish Registers. Although I do want to get back to working on wills and manor records that I have for this area of Hampshire. I am busy learning Latin so that I can transcribe the manor records with a good deal more accuracy.

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