Thursday, May 14, 2009

Blake and Hinxman families - 4

I posted a request to the Hampshire Newsgroup:

Is anyone researching the Hinxman family of Andover?

I have Elener Blake marrying Joseph Hinxman 10 Dec 1610 and she is the daughter of Richard Blake and Joan Blake (married by 1585). Also I have Elizabeth Hinxman (sister to Joseph) daughter of William Hinxman marrying a ? Blake and their children were Thomas Blake and Elizabeth (Blake) (Monke) Kidgell. I can trace Elizabeth Kidgell down through her son Richard and then his daughter Sarah married a John Gilbert. Their son John had a daughter Jane who married Charles Blake 11 Jan 1761 at Abbotts Ann.

What I am looking for is the forename of the Blake that Elizabeth Hinxman married. Their son Thomas is a merchant at the City of Oxford in 1688 when Elizabeth's will is written. Her grandsons are: Thomas Blake, Peter Monk and William Monk at the time of her death. Richard Kidgell is born after this date. All grandchildren are less than 21 years of age.

Any Hinxman researchers out there? Thank you.

No responses yet. I do not think very many people are researching the Hinxman family. There is a Hinxman study at the Guild of One Name Studies but he is only contactable by a snail mail address and likely I will write to him. He lives in Wiltshire. The Hinxman family is principally found around West Deane and East Deane in the 1800s.

I have continued investigating the Blake family looking at the IGI for any clues on William Blake Clerk. He graduated from Cambridge in 1633

Cambridge University Alumni, 1261-1900

Name: William Blake
Entered: Michs. 1633
More Information: Matric. pens from ST CATHARINE'S, Michs. 1633. Of Hampshire. B.A. 1637-8; M.A. 1641. Fellow, 1638. Taxor, 1645. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) June 5, 1642; priest (Lincoln) June 16, 1644.

This would appear to be William as I can not find him at Oxford.

He is known to have married Ann Hellier 5 Sep 1644 at Andover. He is mentioned in both his fathers and his mothers wills. In his mothers his title of Clerk is used. His father (will dated 17 November 1641 and probated 18 August 1642 is just before he completed his MA possibly and he was not yet ordained (5 June 1642 is his ordination). He was ordained at Lincoln 16 June 1644 and I searched the Lincoln county on the IGI for baptisms for any children born to William and Ann Blake between 1644 and 1650. I did not find any. It would appear that they are back at Andover by 1647. This being the time period when Charles I was arrested (1647), tried (1649) and beheaded (30 January 1649) moving back to his home turf may have appeared to be a practical thing to do. I have absolutely no idea but the will of his mother Dorothy written 13 Oct 1647 does not mention his being other than nearby. Likely he was ordained at Lincoln Cathedral and simply returned to Hampshire. I do not know if he was a priest at a particular Church.

When he died in 1696 the priest only noted that he died at Foxcott. It does leave a lot of questions and finding his will or one for his wife would be very very handy.

I will continue working away at the Blake family. My husband and I spent a little time on an article to be sent to Families on his Schultz family (in particular Wilhelm Schultz his great grandfather). We had rather good luck both of us at Salt Lake City as he discovered the baptism for his great grandfather (we went there with the knowledge that he may have been baptized at Brohm). He verified that indeed Georgina (Schultz) Schmidt was his sister and found Wilhelm's parents and their marriage as well as the baptisms of both of these individuals. He also traced back through the records and found the father and grandfather of his great grandfather's father. Moving the family back three generations was a real feat at Salt Lake City. It would be nice to do the same thing for his great grandmother who has the much rarer name of Neumann.

1 comment:

  1. Have you checked out the various William Blakes in the Clergy of the Church of England Database (CCED)?

    There is an entry for Blake, John (1563 - 1610) who was Rector of Knight's Enham (1570-1610).

